Dogfish Head 90 minute Imperial IPA
Here we have an beer which claims to be perhaps the best IPA in America. The company calls itself a "craft Brewer" which I suppose means it brews smaller batches than the rest. I have seen other "craft brewers" in the past and usually when they get big enough to get into the local supermarket there is something to check out there.
This company makes a few different versions of their Ipa's. The main difference here is how and for how long they hop the beer when brewing. Their main versions include their 60 minute, 90 minute, and 120 minute Ipa's. Each seems to cost about the same amount per package, about what 18 bottles of your average domestic brew on sale costs. The amount of what you get for the premium? Well a package of 60's come with six, 90's come with four, and the 120 well you get just one 12oz bottle*. Remember this is for the cost of your domestic 18 pk on sale.
It should be said that you will probably not find the 90's in your local market, hopefully your distributor may carry it. The 90 comes in at a whopping 9% apv. Strong enough by any standards, and at nearly twice the apv of most domestics, it easily makes up for the premium cost. Considering you only get 4 to a pack, that's a good thing. For most people four can do you for a night, if you need much more well it may be time for a break for a while.
Being a fan of Ipa's we gave a taste. There is the slightly bitter taste which all Ipa's share, perhaps a little stronger than average. However there is little to no aftertaste with the 90's. On a 10 point scale we rate it a 8.25. We also noted that when drinking them slowly they produce a nice mellow drunk.
Best in America? It's a dam good beer, one of the better we tasted. The only downside I see is price and availability. Despite this we recommend a try, what you will miss in quantity, you'll get in quality.
*Note on the 120 - this may be a beer however it drinks more like a liqueur. It drinks like a nice sweet schnapps - sweet, and strong - best drunken slowly. Chill it and use a small glass, like Champlain. Be sure to share, like the SHPH tipple ice bock, it is not easy to come by and worth a try. If not for only the reason that you can say you did.