Thursday, July 15, 2010

Note to our friends-

Sorry to say the usual computer that is used to blog here is down, there will be a few posts without pictures until we can retrieve them from it. Since the blog posts are stored on the blogger web server i am going to post what has been saved to get them out there. We will update as we can to include them and to hope show them soon.
also - I am going to change the settings around to try and get some more traffic, I would like to get a little more feedback on how to improve it a little.
prove the blog.
Thanks to all
Dundee's Honey Ale

Although not a summer ale, It feels like summer is a great time to visit it again. Known around here for this particular brew, with a little research it turns out this company makes a variety of styles including a Summer Ale. Availability does not seem to be good of the other varieties yet. But We will try when it comes around.
This ale has been around for a long time, I remember drinking this ale in my frog beer drinking days. It's best to think of it as a transitioning beer. One to drink when it's time to step from the mass produced beers to the smaller craft made beers. The taste? Think of the before mentioned frog beer, then add a little sweetness, and a smoother, sweeter finish. It places just above the frog beer in our rankings.
Final word - great beer for those who are bored with bud, but not into sams yet.